Each year, the Santa Fe International Folk Art Market brings to town an amazing display of folk art from around the world. As many as 143 display booths cover Milner Plaza at Museum Hill. Thousands of visitors flock to explore the wonderful art from continents near and far.
As I wandered through a sea of folk, from booth to booth, country to country, I was struck by the beauty and uniqueness of the myriad faces of the artists and representatives. Many wore traditional dress that tells something of their art and culture. For those of us with a traveler’s spirit, it’s nice to stir appreciation for the cultural diversity that still exits in today’s increasingly “global” environment.
I took hundreds of photos but here are a select few to take you around the world. I hope you enjoy the trip.

Vietnam – Ta May Ly. Red Dao embroidered textiles, tunics, clothing, bridal and ceremonial scarves, headdresses, hats, necklaces.

India – Meghuben Rabari- Embroidered applique, patchwork shawls, bags, dolls, wall hangings & accessories.

Mexico – Guadalupe Hermosillo Escobar: Forged metal roof crosses of San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas.

South Africa – Nomvuselelo LadyPeace Mavundla: Creates accessories, baskets and bowls using colorful telephone wire.

Huichol Indian, Mexico – Rosy Valadez, helping her brother, Rafael Cilau Valadez with his booth of Wixarika yarn paintings.
This three-day event has grown in popularity since its beginnings in 2004. It is now one of the many wonderful annual markets and events happening during Santa Fe summers. If you’re planning to visit the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, be sure to get your tickets in advance, if you can. They usually go on sale in early May via their website, and the Folk Art Alliance recommend booking through the website as the preferred method to ensure you have tickets. It is usually held the second weekend in July, but check this link for current dates, more info and for the link to purchase tickets.
I also recommend you book your hotel rooms as early as you can. Click this link for a list of preferred lodging. If you need any assistance finding the right lodging for your needs and budget, you may contact me directly at the email and phone number below.
If you have any questions about visiting Santa Fe, please email me: info@SantaFeSelection.com, or call (505) 470-2991. Or go to our Travel Guide at SantaFeSelection.com to access easy maps, tips and ideas to help you plan your visit.
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