WHEN: Friday August 29, 2025 (always the Friday of Labor Day Weekend) Tix go on Sale July 4th.
WHERE: Fort Marcy Park. (Check website for details on where to park and how to get to the field.)
The burning of the 50 foot-tall effigy known as Zozobra, a.k.a Old Man Gloom, began in 1924 and has become an annual tradition for Santa Feans to burn away "doom and gloom" in time for fall.
Phone: (855) 969-6272
Website: http://burnzozobra.com/
Address: Fort Marcy Park, Santa Fe, NM MAP
Click link for tickets and all information about this year's Zozobra.

Photo: Kelli R. Abeyta

Photo: Kelli R. Abeyta
Help the Santa Fe Kiwanis help kids. Click link above for more info.
Let go of your worries by putting them inside Santa Fe's historic troublemaker! Upload a document or a photo, choose where your gloom goes inside Zozobra or give the unique gift of gloom-riddance to someone else.
Because Zozobra 2020 will be a no-crowd event with no ticket sales, the Burn My Gloom program will help Kiwanis raise funds for New Mexico nonprofits that make a better life for kids! Click link above for more info.
The burning of Zozobra, (Spanish for "the gloomy one") is the 1924 inspiration of artist Will Shuster, one of Santa Fe's famed Cinco Pintores, and is presented annually by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, the Friday of Labor Day weekend.
Read my blog post about Zozobra.